Summer Vacation Trip Hazards
Sunshine, warm weather and easy driving mean summertime is the perfect opportunity to take a road trip with friends and family. Unfortunately, those long car trips can come with some hazards, including rough roads, car trouble and sun damage. Luckily, there are steps you can take to dodge those road blocks and keep your vacation running smoothly.
Brace Yourself for Wear and Tear
Before you embark on your epic vacation, it’s important to make sure your car is in top form. The road can really wear down your car over time, so it’s best to be prepared. Regular oil changes, preventative maintenance and proper brake care will help stay you off the side of the road, and keep you cruising toward your destination. A broken-down vehicle is a sure-fire way to ruin a vacation in a heartbeat. Make sure to schedule a pre-trip maintenance appointment at your local Milex Complete Auto Care store to help you avoid the hassle of needing a tow truck later down the road.
Be Ready for Rough Roads Ahead
The more you drive, the more likely you are to come across construction, uneven roadways and even a pothole or two. While the occasional small bump in the road may not affect your car overly much, repeated exposure can lead to serious problems, particularly in terms of steering, suspension and alignment. It’s important to properly maintain your vehicle so you can enjoy a smooth, safe ride to paradise.
Protect Against Sun Damage
Finally, a vacation hazard that is often overlooked is damage from the sun. What many motorists fail to realize is you are actually at risk for sunburn and sun damage while in your vehicle. In fact, leathery, wrinkled skin along the left forearm is a common ailment amongst long-haul truckers – the result of years of sun damage built up from long days spent with an arm along the window. Keep yourself safe and take preventative measures. Professionals with Alta Mere The Automotive Outfitters can install window tint to block more than 99 percent of harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays. It also reduces the heat inside the car, making for a more comfortable ride. Window film can protect your interior from fading and cracking. With the help of an automotive window tint, you can spend your summer enjoying the sun, not suffering from it.
Road trips are a wonderful tradition. Load up the family, hit the road and make those memories – just make sure your car is up for the challenge.