Ideal Franchise Candidate Profile

Profile Summary
- Management / Sales Experience
- Independent thinking, with adherence to process
- Net Worth of $250,000 for automotive brands and $150,000 for Alta Mere/Smartview
- Liquid Assets of $60,000
- Entrepreneurial Spirit
- Committed to superior customer service
- Significant Drive
- Confident, ambitious, and self assured
- Committed to building a successful legacy
- Automotive / Technical experience helpful
What You Want (from your career)
- Leverage past experience
- Provide opportunity for others
- Build legacy business
- Pride of business ownership
- Contribution to their community
From a Business Opportunity
- Financial growth opportunity
- Solid, Proven Business Systems
- Control financial and lifestyle expectations
- Franchisor support and guidance
- Proven concept, system and process
- Comprehensive support system
- Belong to a community
What We Want (common persona)
- Driven to succeed
- Hands on attitude
- Passionate about helping others
- Open-minded and collaborative
- Confident, ambitious, self assured
- Subscribes to MFB philosophy and values (D.R.I.V.E)
- Utilizes resources available
- Honesty and integrity
- Positive demeanor
- To be financially qualified
- Business experience, automotive experience is not necessary
- Takes accountability for their own success
What will your day look like?
As a Moran Family of Brands franchisee, you should know what to expect in your daily role of running your franchise. "A Day in the Life" of some of our franchisees are great examples. No automotive experience is necessary and our franchisees tend to play a management and administrative role in their business on a daily basis.

"A typical day for me and running my business is, of course, I get there early and get things opened up. I'm involved in answering phones, handling customers, ordering parts, diagnostics and of course administrative things; paying the bills, the marketing advertising decisions - so, the everyday operations. I do not do the rebuilding or the actual mechanic work myself, so it's mostly managerial and sales on a daily basis. That's my role."
Jay Pond | Mr. Transmission - Jackson, MS

"Our Center is open Tuesday through Friday from 8am-5pm and Saturday from 8am-1pm. We have chosen to close Sunday and Monday to give our employees a two day weekend. Usually, if I am in town, I get to the store in time to open it Tuesday through Friday as well as staying until the store closes. Our part-time salesperson opens the store on Saturday. My duties at the center mirror a Center Manager; overseeing everyday operations in addition to handling all walk-ins, phone calls, sales, and scheduling. I have owned Centers for over 30 years and have never installed a single item. I leave all installations up the experts and I feel this is one reason why our Center is so successful; I concentrate on what I can do best, and they concentrate on what they do best.
The home office at Moran does a fantastic job with our marketing. I am involved in all decisions regarding how my Center will be marketed, but the home office does most of the creative work and sets up relationships with marketing vendors. When it comes to administrative and accounting work, I let my wife handle it. She is a full-time teacher, but comes in one evening a week to help us out. Payroll is handled by our accountant on a bi-weekly basis."
Greg Goodman | Alta Mere Automotive Outfitters - Oklahoma City, OK

"A typical day starts at 4:30 am when I get up. I leave my home to go to the shop, which is a 40 minute drive, and that time is spent doing what I call 'winding up' for my day. I try and cover all the things that need to be addressed when I get to my shop. I usually do payroll on Monday prior to business and call in taxes Tuesday morning. The next item on my list is to write checks and answer mail. Then, I prioritize my work orders covering each open repair order. I try to assign the work load according to the skill level required for any particular repair.
During the day, I answer most calls, handle customers, and check the parts cost on every job sold (prior to the sell.) I do have some help with the parts cost issue, but anytime there's a question, I make the final call. We price check everything except the prices we already know. I do not do any mechanic work and have not in years. There is no time for that. I enjoy dealing with my customers. You can't short cut your customers; anyone can sense if you are not really giving them your full attention.
I make most of my marketing decisions based on information I get from Home Office staff and the other sources I have locally. There never is enough time to do all the things that need to be done, but I'm satisfied (for the most part) with my outcome. Driving home, I spend my time winding down and going over the day of fun I've had. Maybe I'm crazy, but if I am, I'd like to remain this way."
Dean Bingham | Mr. Transmission Milex Complete Auto Care - Greenville, SC