If you live in a cold climate, you know what’s in store for any driver in the coming months – icy roads, ice covering the windshield, snow smothering the car roof, slush spraying everywhere on your vehicle. Due to many of these conditions, salt is applied to the roads everywhere. Our cars take a pounding with any number of these elements from November through March. Whether it is repeated snowfall in the north and midwest or ice storms in the south, few places are immune to the toll the winter weather takes on our vehicles.
Which is why you really may want to think about getting paint protection film.
Even if you’re often parking your car in a garage, time isn’t your car’s friend either. Eventually, if not winter sludge, road salt or snow-melting chemicals, something is going to make that nice looking car of yours a little less beautiful. And it may not have anything to do with weather. Maybe, for instance, you’re in a parking lot, and another car door or a shopping cart will bump into your finish and knick it. Or you are driving down the road on a sunny day and a rock or pebble with kick up and scratch your car’s surface.
Paint protection film was originally created years ago to make helicopter rotor blades last longer. From there, race cars picked up on the technology to keep the vehicle looking bright and shiny. As the technology improved and became thinner and more pliable, eventually it started making its way to luxury cars and then more conventional automobiles.
The application is not an easy thing to do to your car – it is not something you can buy at the store and put it on your car yourself. Professionals at your local Alta Mere The Automotive Outfitters franchise can custom tailor your protection plan around certain coverage areas of your vehicle. Whether it be the front bumper, full hood, headline area, mirrors or any combination, Alta Mere can handle that. They also offer a five-year warranty that guarnatees your car will look the same as the day you first brought it in.
If you’d like to avoid faded paint or scratches on your car, not to mention the damage that come from everything from tree sap to bug splats, consider getting a high-gloss, durable, virtually invisible shield. Alta Mere’s paint protection film is precision-cut and computer rendered to fit the specific model of your car.
In the event this winter a truck drives by and sprays pebbles, rocks, debris or sludge onto your car – it may not be the most pleasant experience in the world, but at least you’ll know your car is being protected from a external damage. The roads can be a scary place in the winter, but your car shouldn’t have to be afraid of road salt and slush. With paint protection film, it won’t be.