Have you ever felt like you were driving inside a blender? That is, your car started shaking uncontrollably? If that’s ever happened to you, you probably needed new shock absorbers.
Shock absorbers do exactly what they say they do – they absorb shock, which means that you can control your car. Without shock absorbers, your car is going to bounce. It’s going to be hard to steer, especially on turns. When you brake, you may find your car dips downward a bit. Driving a car with shocks that are falling apart is a little like going on a ride at an amusement park, without the amusement.
So how can you tell if your shocks are worn and need replacing? Obviously, if your car is shaking uncontrollably, you probably need shock absorbers (or maybe struts, which is similar to a shock absorber but a little more complex of a fix). And if you don’t need shocks, you at least need to take your car to your local Milex Complete Auto Care to be inspected.
Anyone can spot obvious signs that a car needs new shocks – but unfortunately sometimes the symptoms aren’t so clear cut. So, if you’re looking for not-so obvious clues that your car may need shocks, look for these.
Have you found it hard to steer in the wind? Yes, that can be hard for any driver, if the wind is super strong, but if a serious gust of wind seems to push your car to one side, keep your guard up. Because that can mean you have a problem – bad shocks often mean the car is a little unsteady.
Are you having a tough time braking? If you’re putting your foot on the brake and seeing your car dip down a bit, or you start swerving, as you probably realize, your car is not supposed to do that. So before something goes wrong, and you hit another vehicle, we strongly recommend that you come into Milex Complete Auto Care to have your vehicle looked at. The problem is probably with your shocks, but again, even if the shocks are fine, something is wrong.
Does your braking seem delayed? Nothing too crazy is happening, but maybe you’ve noticed that when you hit on the brakes, you have to press down on them harder and longer before you actually stop? That can be a sign of bad shocks. Again, when your shocks aren’t working well, it’s harder to control your car.
Are your tires uneven? This, of course, is what is such a bummer about shocks – and why it’s important to not let them go until they’re falling apart. Bad shocks affect other parts of your car, like your tires, and so if you let your shocks go, that can cause problems through your car. So about your tires: if you see a lot of patchy spots, where the tread is worn in uneven places, that can be a sign that your shocks are shot.
Why is that a sign? Because your tires aren’t pressed firmly against the road when you drive. Which means the tread is wearing down unevenly, and it could mean ‘wheel’ trouble soon.
Are you leaking fluid? If so, that’s also not good and a possible sign of a rundown shocks. If you see an orange-yellow type of fluid underneath your vehicle, that might be hydraulic fluid, which sometimes will make its escape when shocks push against the piston. Of course, if you see another strange color, like purple or green, maybe your shocks are fine, but you should still bring your car over to be looked at. Unless it’s water leaking – your air-conditioning will sometimes do that, and that’s normal – there’s nothing good about car leaks.
In short, your shocks are important, and so are you. So please don’t risk driving in a car that you’re having trouble controlling, especially if you’re finding that your vehicle is shaking you around uncontrollably.