Franchise Gator has named Mr. Transmission/Milex as a Top 100 franchise for 2016. The online franchise directory developed the Top 100 as a way for prospective franchisees to identify opportunities with strong growth potential that are also affordable investments for the average franchise buyer.
Mr. Transmission/Milex is a one-stop-shop experience for customers and has sustained a highly reputable, nationwide brand that vehicle owners can trust. With professional, thorough, and affordable service from well-trained technicians, the Mr. Transmission/Milex Co-Brand can ensure vehicle maintenance, general and advanced automotive repairs, and transmission repairs for all makes and models.
Franchise Gator ranked Mr. Transmission/Milex as the number 55 franchise opportunity overall. The ranking is developed using a formula based on several criteria including financial stability, growth, sustainability, profitability, transparency, and franchisee satisfaction.
“We are excited about our positioning in the automotive aftermarket and the growth we are experiencing,” said Peter Baldine, President of Moran Family of Brands. “We are honored to be recognized by Franchise Gator.”