The corporate values and culture at Moran Family of Brands help fuel growth and drive the long-term success of the franchise brand.
There are more than 750,000 franchises in the United States employing more than 8 million people. Franchising gives entrepreneurs the opportunity to run a business with a proven track record and the training and support to succeed. While businesses across the country took a hit at the start of the pandemic, the franchise industry quickly rebounded. The International Franchise Association forecast the franchise industry would recoup losses by year-end. Experts credit the unique culture of franchising as one of the reasons the franchise industry was able to bounce back from the challenges faced during this unique season.
A recent Social Geek Radio podcast with Jack Monson explored “The Culture of Franchising,” with a number of guests, including Pete Baldine, President of Moran Family of Brands. Moran was founded in 1990 and today is the franchisor of six brands in the aftermarket auto and window tinting industries, including Milex Complete Auto Care, Mr. Transmission, and Turbo Tint. Shortly after acquiring the company, its leaders halted growth plans to focus on creating a system of franchisors who shared their business values and goals.
Moran was founded on the simple belief of wanting to give people the opportunity to be in business for themselves but not by themselves. Its success is dependent on the success of the franchisees in its system. Moran focuses on helping its franchisees succeed and giving them the tools they need to create a legacy for their families and to make a difference in their communities. To emphasize the importance of company values, Moran focuses on fostering a unique culture based on being a family and its shared code of values, including Dedication, Respect, Integrity, Vision, and Enthusiasm, or DRIVE.
“You can have pretty words laid out, but the bottom line is you have to live them and execute them. That’s where the rubber meets the road,” Baldine said.
Moran expects its franchisees to consistently follow the company’s vision and mission, provide respectful service to customers and treat employees well, and uphold high ethical standards to allow them to be trusted leaders in the communities they serve. Moran also encourages its franchisees to enthusiastically focus on the future of their business by offering solutions to improve the brand. At the same time, Moran’s leadership makes it a priority to listen and collaborate with its franchisees.
“The key is listening,” added Baldine. “You’ve got to be a great listener.”
To support its franchisees, Moran formed a Franchise Advisory Alliance that meets every quarter to discuss concerns and success stories. “Everyone cares about moving the system forward. We talk about everything, and it’s a trusting, collaborative relationship,” Baldine said.
Whisky Wednesday Confirms Franchise Bond
A recent initiative designed to lift the spirits of people in the franchising community at the start of the pandemic showcases the strength of franchise culture. It started as a friendly toast between two franchise industry veterans during a virtual meeting when Baldine and David Chapman, chief executive of 919 Marketing, a leading national content marketing agency, posted a virtual toast online. Their gesture rapidly went viral, and hundreds of businesses across the country started raising a glass each week to toast to “#WhiskeyWednesday.”
“When the pandemic hit, we were all in a panic,” Baldine said. “We wanted to cheer people up and present the positive things about franchising.”
Other franchisees quickly started to join in, and the movement went viral. Every Wednesday, social media feeds are full of #WhiskeyWednesday videos of people toasting with their favorite beverage and challenging others to join the fun.
Whiskey Wednesday showcases the community spirit of the franchise industry. Baldine attributes the success of franchise businesses to their willingness to collaborate and share best practices with the common goal of fueling franchise growth. “Everyone in the franchise community is so transparent and willing to help and share,” he added.
Learn More About Moran
If you are considering pursuing entrepreneurship through franchising, Moran can help guide you on your journey. In addition to being a leader in the aftermarket auto industry, Moran introduces prospective franchisees to the industry, provides assistance with site selection, financing, and onboarding to get their business up and running. The company offers customers a one-stop-shop for all of their car care needs by providing co-branding opportunities for its franchise partners.
Find out more about Moran’s mission and values by contacting Moran to request information and connect with a franchise business consultant.